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Re: Mistaking Life in Another World from Zero I


Things are looking really bad. With no money to my name, everything was beginning to look bleak. Actually, I’m not entirely broke. I still have my wallet filled with coins and point-cards. I should have as much money as your average unemployed highschooler. Despite this, however, broke seemed like the right word to describe the predicament I was in.

This brings back a memory of when someone called me broke before. Man, I didn’t expect that to hurt so much. I heard somewhere before that being poor affects one’s attitude, but in my case, being poor affected the attitude of the people around me.

“I bet the currency is different here…” I said with a sigh as I fiddled a ten-yen coin with reeded edges in my hand.

The ten-yen coin, also known as Ridged-10, wasn’t an exceptionally rare item. I found it lying around somewhere and kept it in my wallet ever since. A part of me thought it might come to my rescue like a knight in shining armor if I kept it on me all the time, but it never happened.

My heart is so fragile, even a mere ten-yen can hurt it, huh?

Speaking of fragile hearts, I’m starting to get offended by all these gazes. I’d noticed that people had been giving me funny looks wherever I went for a while now. It was starting to get annoying. I’m not dressed that weirdly, I think.

Although I was often told I had a scary-looking face, my appearance was more or less average. I had naturally black hair and wore a tracksuit that wasn’t designated by my school.

If going out in public without my school uniform on is a crime, then fine, I’ll hold a press conference and apologize to the whole world.

However, I doubted anyone would have listened to me even if such a conference was held.

“This must be that famous thing,” I muttered to myself as I crossed my arms, tilting my head.

A carriage with giant wheels clattered past me. The animal pulling it wasn’t a horse, but rather a giant lizard. The people who were gawking at me were also all dressed as if they were at Shibuya on Halloween. However, I could tell that they weren’t Halloween costumes, but real clothes.

What are real clothes anyways. Wondering what the definition of real clothes even was, I came to one conclusion: “I must have been summoned to another world,” I said, flicking the ridged-10 up high into the air, making a loud clicking sound.


Natsuki Subaru was born in Japan and raised in a generation known as the softie generation. Her day-to-day life was so mundane that there was nothing to write about here. The only things worth mentioning were that she was in high school—which she had been avoiding recently—and that she had wandered into another world on her way home from the convenience store.

“That’s all the narration needed to explain my transfer to another world. Talk about being easy,” she mumbled to herself.

It was way too easy. There wasn’t even a truck involved. I just blinked and here I am. And since we don’t need any qualifications to be summoned, even a minor could end up in another world. Of course, it’s not all good news. Being summoned to another world is usually a one-way ticket. And you have way too much free time after arriving.

As someone who had spent her middle school and high school trips alone at a game center, her current predicament was rather excruciating.

“I don’t suppose there’s a game center in this world. Though they’ve been facing existential threats back in my original world too. Man, I wish people would go out and play games outside more.”

There might have been other places people went to play games outside of their homes, but Subaru chose to ignore this possibility. Another possible explanation for why game centers were closing down was the rise of online games, where people no longer needed to go out to play with their friends. However, Subaru didn’t play online games.

“I hate to lose so much, if I played with other people, I might end up killing myself.”

But complaining about the current state of the gaming industry isn’t going to help me with my current situation.

She was still in another world with practically no money.

“Luckily, I was able to find out there’s no language barrier here, and the social infrastructure seems decent. I guess I don’t have to worry about starving to death…?”

As she mumbled to herself, she yelled “Show status!” into midair, but nothing happened. I suppose it isn’t the type of a world where I can see my current status.

“But shouldn’t there be something more? Where’s God’s apology for summoning me to another world accidentally? If not, where’s the young girl responsible for summoning me?” she said as she made different gestures with her hands to represent different characters that usually appear when people get summoned to another world. She noticed her eyes started getting watery. “Ah, crap.”

Although she was able to keep her emotions in check until now due to being numbed by the extraordinary circumstances she suddenly found herself in, she was reaching her limit. Without any hints or clues on how to navigate this world, she was forced to face reality.

I’m really gonna start crying if I don’t do something. That won’t be good. The patheticness of a high schooler crying in public could possibly be newsworthy enough to at least make it in a column on a local newspaper.

In fear of such a scenario, Subaru scuttled into a back alley and rested her head against a wall as she sniveled and let out a small groan. I knew I wasn’t a good daughter to my parents, and that sure made me wanna kill myself, but I never thought I’d one day make them unhappy like this. The sort of unhappiness Subaru thought she would make her parents go through was the type where she wouldn’t get a job and continue living in her parents home even after their retirement.

Actually, now that I think about it, it’s the first time that I actually thought about my future like this. I guess the predicament I’m in right now is somewhat better compared to the future I just thought about. I should only pray my parents will live happily together now that I’m gone…


As she was trying to hold back her tears, she heard a loud noise. She lifted up her head with her ears still ringing, turning her attention towards the entrance to the back alley where she heard the noise come from. It was in the direction of the main street, but she couldn’t see the pedestrians as they were hidden by the three figures standing in front of her.

The figures were staring at Subaru, who still had her forehead on the wall. Although their lack of sensitivity was akin to the gawking she experienced earlier, this time there was obvious malicious intent in their stares.

“Crap, it’s a forced quest,” she said.

Her tears quickly subsided. She faced the three figures, trying her best to hide her anxiety. Her heart was pounding loudly. She glanced behind her to see the back alley was a dead end. Why did I choose to come into a place with no escape route? She cursed herself for lacking any sense of cautiousness. Even in modern day Japan, I was always told to be careful when walking alone at night.

“No, don’t be scared, don’t be scared,” she said, attempting to psych herself up. “Sure, there wasn’t a screen that displayed my current status, but it’s still too early to give up! This is another world! There’s still a possibility my hidden powers will awaken and allow me to take them all down!”

“What the hell is this girl mumblin’ about?” one of the figures said coolly.

“She obviously doesn’t know what’s about to happen to her,” said another one. “Let’s teach her a lesson.”

They must see me as weak prey and themselves as a strong predator. Although I don’t blame them, seeing as how it’s three against one.

“But don’t you get too cocky,” Subaru said. “Just so you know, I always play out scenarios in my head for when I get attacked on a daily basis. I’m gonna pummel you all and turn you into EXP!”

“I have no clue what you’re on about, but I feel like you’re mocking us. That’s it, we’re gonna kill you.”

“That’s… My line!” She kicked the ground and ran toward the assailants to deliver the first blow. Caught off guard, the three figures widened their eyes as Subaru threw a punch at the nose of the one closest to her.

The punch landed, causing the one who was hit to let out a groan.

Receiving Subaru’s punch directly on the nose, the assailant’s eyes gleamed in anger. “Now you’ve done it, ya bitch!”

“Huh? Is that it?” Subaru said, taken aback that her punch had no effect. Instead, her fist was hurting so much that she started tearing up from the pain.

However, this was only the beginning of Subaru’s true misery.

“Hey! Hold this bitch down!” yelled the one who had been punched. “We’re seriously gonna fuck ya up now!”

The other two—one small, one big—grabbed Subaru from both sides, pushing her against the wall.

“Eh? Wait! What?!” Subaru exclaimed, failing to escape their grasp.

“Better prepare yourself,” warned the one who got punched. She was of average height, skinny, and had sanpaku eyes that looked as intimidating as Subaru’s. “You’re gonna pay for what ya did,” she said as she inched her way closer to Subaru, sticking out her long tongue.

The other two women who were holding Subaru against the wall smiled vulgarly, as if to match their friend’s energy.

Subaru finally realized the direness of the situation she was in.

“I’m really sorry! I was completely in the wrong! Please don’t kill me!”

And so, the high-pitched voice of 17-year-old high schooler Natsuki Subaru echoed in the back alley.


With her arms and legs immobilized from both sides, Natsuki Subaru was in a helpless situation.

The woman with sanpaku eyes wiped a bit of blood off her nose and wiped it on Subaru’s tracksuit. “Black hair, black eyes, and clothes I’ve never seen before. And what’s this bag ya have? You punched my nose. Ya better have somethin’ that’s worth some money.”

“H-Hard to say,” Subaru responded. “I mean, you just wiped your blood on my clothes, so that probably decreased its value slightly. Ah! Also, I’m a rare race known as Asian. I heard I can be sold off at a higher price without any scars. So I suggest you don’t hurt me…gueh?!”

As Subaru spoke she felt a dense object sink into her solar plexus, causing her to groan.

“I hate women who can’t keep their traps shut,” the woman with sanpaku eyes said, holding a knife in her hand. Subaru realized it was this knife that had struck her in her chest. She also realized it was their subtle way of saying they could kill her anytime they wanted.

Subaru felt a chill run down her spine. This is bad. This is really bad. She was a moment away from fainting.

Then a different voice erupted in the back alley. “Hey move it, move it! Ya’ll are in the way!”

Lifting her head up at the sudden interruption, Subaru turned her attention to the entrance of the back alley where the person who had just yelled was approaching at an immense speed. He was a young boy with golden hair. He had piercing red eyes and a fang that made him look mischievous. His face gave off a cheeky vibe, but it also showed great potential of a handsome man in the making. Subaru felt like the boy’s sudden appearance was the beginning of an adventure and clenched her fists.

I bet this boy has a heart of gold and will rescue me. Then, it’ll be the true beginning of my story—

“Looks like you’re in quite a pickle! But sorry, I’m busy right now! Stay strong!” the boy said as he passed by Subaru, shattering her expectations.

“W-What?! Seriously?!” Subaru exclaimed in disbelief.

The boy, however, kept running and didn’t stop even when he came to a dead end. Using this momentum, he jumped on to the wall and kicked off of it to get to the roof of a nearby building. After showing off his superb physical ability reminiscent of a stray cat, the boy was out of Subaru’s sight before she could utter another word. There was no indication that he was coming back.

“Is there any chance you lost your ill intent with that?!” Subaru asked, hoping her assailants would let her go.

“On the contrary,” the woman with the knife said. “In fact, gettin’ interrupted pissed me off even more. Don’t think ya can leave in one piece now.” The woman tapped Subaru’s stomach with her knife, making her gulp.

Subaru began struggling, frightened she was going to get badly injured or possibly even worse. However, that only irritated the assailant even more. “Stay still!” the woman warned, delivering a kick to Subaru’s abdomen.

Subaru fell to her knees and let out a groan. She was unable to crawl out of the situation either, as the assailant had her pinned to the ground with her foot pressed against her back. I guess you could say this is this world’s way of telling me “welcome.”

In Natsuki Subaru’s case, however, it might as well be the world’s way of saying “goodbye.” Am I going to die as someone who couldn’t survive this harsh world’s welcome ceremony? Is this really the end? I haven’t achieved anything. I haven’t left a legacy. Am I really going to die all alone?

Death was frightening. However, what scared Subaru more than death was the idea of dying without having achieved anything; dying completely worthless, devoid of any meaning to this world. This thought frightened her to her core.

Right as Subaru thought she was going to die, another voice echoed in the alley.

“Stop it right there, you villains,” the voice rang, silencing the alley in an instant.

It was as if time had stopped. Not in a literal sense, but in a way as if everything else in the world stopped and all attention was now directed at the person who just spoke. This was the case not only for Subaru, but also for the three assailants. They were unable to do anything except just stand there and stare. The person emanated a presence that stunned everyone. He was a young man who could only be described as beautiful. His silver hair glowed even in the dark back alley, his amethyst eyes emanated sincereness, and all his facial features were arranged perfectly. His eyes, nose, lips, and eyebrows were shaped to perfection. He wore a robe with an embroidering of a bird that looked like a hawk.

“I can’t allow you to go any further than that,” he said, condemning the assailants head on. “Your actions stop now.”


The events that unfolded afterward were like a scene straight out of an action movie.

“I-I’m gonna remember this!” one of the assailants yelled.

“There won’t be a next time!” another one exclaimed.

And so the three assailants fled the scene.

Seeing them off, the silver-haired boy relaxed his shoulders in relief.

“Bring it on whenever you like,” a gray cat-like animal said, waving its hand at the assailants. “Although I doubt they’d ever be able to do anything.”

The cat was floating, swaying its long tail from side to side. He had adorable features like that of a mascot, but the assailants fled as soon as they laid eyes on him. That, and of course the magic used by this young guy also must’ve contributed to their fleeing. The magic involved launching icicles at the assailants. It didn’t resemble any magic Subaru expected from a fantasy world, but was heavily practical in its utility.

The young man and the cat had entered the back alley in pursuit of the boy who had run past Subaru earlier. According to them, he had stolen something from them and they were chasing after him to retrieve it.

“I’m guessing it was something of value, right? Can I help you guys out somehow?” Subaru suggested, unable to just leave without helping the person who saved her life. Of course, it’s not like we share a common goal or anything, but I can at least follow them and see if I can help them out somehow.

The young man said nothing, hesitating to answer Subaru’s suggestion. As he hesitated, the cat spoke up. “Why don’t we take her up on her offer? It’s not like we have a better chance of success just wandering around the capital ourselves. We could use a helping hand. Also, she can be your meat-shield.”

“Rude!” Subaru exclaimed.

“Tink, you’re getting carried away,” the young man admonished.

The floating cat covered her mouth with her hands. Side eyeing the cat, the young man let out a sigh. “I really can’t give you any reward. Is that okay?” he said, showing a faint sense of anxiety and hope in his beautiful profile.

“The only reward I need is knowing I fulfilled my one-good-deed-a-day quota!” Subaru replied, extending out her hand to shake. “Also, I get the bonus of spending an entire day with the most handsome man I’ve ever met in my entire life that’s like a prince!”

“I don’t really understand what you’re saying,” he said, as he accepted Subaru’s hand.

And so the Natsuki Subaru Team was formed. The duo plus the cat showed exceptional teamwork, located the person in question with ease, achieved their objective, and lived happily ever after… “Isn’t what really happened, though, unfortunately.” Subaru sighed.

“What do you mean?” the young man asked, tilting his head.

“We’re on a manhunt in this big town,” Subaru replied as she looked over the town from an elevated viewpoint, “and we have no one to help us, or any knowledge of the place. We’re simply lacking too many tools.”

Even though they were on the hunt for a precious item, their investigation had hit a dead end. For one thing, Subaru’s legs had started to give in, as she didn’t have a lot of stamina. Secondly, they lacked resources, such as the aforementioned knowledge of the town and helping hand to achieve their goal. And above all else, there was something Subaru was facing, which was a dire problem she couldn’t tell the young man.

“I can’t read anything…” she muttered to herself. She was able to understand the language, but she couldn’t read any of the things written on the signs on the streets. She had fooled herself up to this point that the signs only depicted some sort of modern art, but she had to start facing the unfortunate fact that she just couldn’t read the language of this new world.

However, the young man remained kind to Subaru. “At least we know we have to start looking in the slums. That’s certainly progress.”

So he’s not only good looking, but also kind. This was a breath of fresh air for Subaru, who was beginning to get worn out by the cold-bitter reality of the world she had been thrown into. Additionally, the young man possessed a sense of naivety, something she hadn’t realized the first time she met him, which made her maternal instincts kick in.

“I’ve always been good at judging a person’s character, so I can say this with certainty,” the cat said. “You’re somewhat of an idiot, aren’t you?”

“Shut up,” Subaru retorted. “You’re just a mascot. Why don’t you sugarcoat your words a little. How’re you expecting to raise magical girls with that sort of attitude?”

“The only one I’m raising is this one,” the cat replied, indicating the young man. “By the way, we haven’t heard your name yet. How about we introduce ourselves?”

“Self introduction! Now that you mention it, we haven’t done it yet. Alright, I’ll go first,” Subaru said as she pushed herself off the ledge she was leaning on and cleared her throat. She then pointed at the sky and posed by twisting her hips. “My name is Natsuki Subaru! I’m completely ignorant about this world and utterly broke! Pleased to meet you!”

“Just sounds like you’re in a dire predicament,” the cat said. “Well, I’m Tinkerbell. Call me Tink. Nice to meet you~.”

Tink then flew into Subaru’s hand, bumping it with her whole body in a handshake-like gesture.

Subaru tilted her head. “Tinkerbell is the same name of a fairy I know. Although that fairy is a girl.”

“Then it’s all fine, since I’m a girl too,” Tink said.

“Is that right?” Subaru replied, squishing Tink who was still in her hands.

“By the way,” the young man said in a depressed voice. “I’d appreciate it if you don’t call Tink a fairy. I don’t mind what you call me, but Tink is…”

“Eh, what?!” Subaru shrieked. The young man was apparently looking down, his eyes with long eyelashes quivering. “Did I say something to upset you?!”

“It’s fine,” Tink said nonchalantly. “She didn’t mean any ill-will. Seems like ‘fairy’ is a form of compliment for her,” she said, directing her words at the young man.

“Is that…true?”

“Uhh, yeah!” Subaru exclaimed, deciding to go along with Tink’s words. “I meant it to mean adorable or fantastical, or something along those lines! I guess you guys don’t use this word like that here? Haha, sorry, I’ll be careful from now on!”

I mean, I’m just going along with Tink’s explanation, but they’re not all lies either. I really didn’t know ‘fairy’ was an insult in this world, and didn’t use it with any ill intent.

“I see.” The young man nodded upon listening to Subaru’s explanation. He then suddenly closed in on Subaru.

“Ueah?” Subaru blurted out, taken by surprise by the young man’s behavior. A waft of the young man’s fragrance tickled her nose.

“No wonder you have such clean hands,” the young man commented. “You also don’t look like the blue-collar job sort of person, and your hair color is uncommon too. Hm? What’s wrong?”

“Y-You’re too close,” Subaru said uncomfortably. “It’s a treat for my eyes, don’t get me wrong, but you’re too close.”

The young man looked confused by Subaru’s words.

Is he unaware of how good-looking he is? However, seeing the young man furrowing his brows in confusion, Subaru decided to change the topic. “I-It’s your turn now. What’s yooour name?” Subaru asked in a light manner, in an attempt to hide how flustered she was.

However, the young man looked down for a moment as soon as he heard the question. Did I do something wrong? Or was it conceited of me to ask such a good looking guy for his name? Subaru began sinking into a deep spiral of self doubt.

“Luna,” the young man suddenly said.

“What?” Subaru blurted, feeling like she had been lifted from the spiral by his response.

As Subaru took a deep breath, the young man directed his amethyst eyes directly at her. “Please call me Luna.”

He answered my question, but it doesn’t look like he wants me to call him that. I would’ve also appreciated it if he told me his last name, which woulda been easier for me to call him by. Calling a boy, and a super good-looking one at that, I just met by his name is too high of a hurdle for me. I guess I’ll address him with second-person pronouns for now.

Watching the interaction between Subaru and the young man, Luna, from Subaru’s hands, Tink muttered to herself, “Can’t say you have good taste.”

However, no one heard her comment.


It was a while after they began searching in the slums when they stumbled across some promising information.

“You must be looking for Forte,” a person in the slums said. “The blonde kid you’re talking about is a short kid, right?”

Knowing it was her help that had advanced Luna’s search, Subaru became ecstatic. After all, it was her portrait that helped make this possible. “There was even a period when I considered becoming a professional artist. Although I gave up on the dream after learning there were way more talented people than me.”

“Is that so,” Luna responded. “But I think this looks reeeally good.”

“Thanks! That makes me really happy!” Subaru exclaimed while hiding the wooden canvas with the portrait of the blonde boy, whose name they learned was Forte, behind her back. “Honestly, thanks.”

Honestly, I was worried if I would be able to draw Forte properly, considering that I only saw him for a split second during the most dangerous moment in my life. It also didn’t help that the most impactful encounter in my life followed right after that. Despite her worries, she was able to draw a portrait of the boy that captured the general feel of him, which led to obtaining concrete information on him.

“But a loot house, huh?” Subaru muttered. “I can’t imagine it being a peaceful place.”

“Most probably, considering it’s a place where they also sell stolen items from there,” Luna said, agreeing with Subaru. “Say, you’ve done more than enough already. You don’t have to tag along any further...”

“Wait, wait, wait! I had a feeling you were gonna say something like that, but just wait! I can’t let you go alone to a place we know could be dangerous! That fairy, I mean…” Subaru said, stopping mid sentence since she knew that she had just used offensive language. She then took a step toward Luna, closing the distance between them, and continued restating her last remark. “Tink isn’t with you either!”

The elemental spirit Subaru was careful not to call a fairy was not by Luna’s side at the moment. She had been told that she could only come out for a certain amount of time each day, and that she had already used it all up for today. In other words, Luna and Subaru were on their own.

“There’s no way I could leave you alone,” Subaru continued. “You’re more reckless than I thought.”

“You’re one to talk. You wander around aimlessly without any forethought. Besides, if it weren’t for me, you could’ve been really hurt by those three women.”

“Well, you never know. Maybe my hidden powers could’ve suddenly awakened and…nah, actually that wouldn’t have happened. All my luck has been used up by meeting you.”

Luna tilted her head. “I don’t really get it, but does that mean you’ve lived an unhappy life until now?”

“You’re technically correct, but that’s not what I want you to take away from that!” Subaru exclaimed, feeling flustered. She touched her fingertips together and continued. “What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want to leave you alone. This is something I started on my own volition. At least let me see it through to the end.”

“Well,” Luna started after a brief pause, “I am also worried about leaving you on your own, Subaru.”

“Whoa!” Subaru blurted out, caught off guard by Luna calling her by her name.

Luna looked confused by her reaction.

I’m beginning to manage talking to him naturally, but being called by my given name by someone like Luna, who’s a natural-born hottie, is still too much for me to handle. Subaru paused for a moment and said nothing. But my intention isn’t all impure. He saved my life. Not only that, but he took his time to help me even though he was in a dire situation himself. I need to repay him somehow. Otherwise, I won’t be able to live without regrets. That’s who I am, who Natsuki Subaru is.

“I’ll take front. You stay behind me,” Luna said as they walked through the slums. “You seem like a…reeeally reckless person.”

“Yeah, even I know at this point that I’m more powerless than I thought, so I won’t do anything… Oh looks like we’re here.” As they were talking, they arrived at a big old house-like building in the heart of the slums. “This is the loot house we were looking for.”

“So this is it.”

It was starting to get dark, drawing closer to night. Seems like this world doesn’t have much light during this time of day. Subaru had noticed that most places outside of the capital didn’t have any sources of light aside from the ones residents used for their daily lives. Added to the fact that they were in the slums, there wasn’t even a light post available.

“It’s completely dark,” Subaru said. “What are we gonna…”

“I have a lagmite stone. We should be set with light with this.”

“Lag what?” Subaru asked, furrowing his brows at the unfamiliar terminology.

Luna took out a white stone from his breast pocket, then banged it on a nearby wall, causing the stone to start glowing.

“Whoa,” Subaru let out, looking at the glowing white stone in Luna’s hand. “So this is a lagmite stone.”

“By applying force to it, the mana stored inside the stone gets released and starts glowing,” Luna explained. “How did you survive until now without even knowing this, Subaru?”

“By relying on some energies I don’t quite understand that were discovered by significant people from the past.”

There’s an old saying that you never know what you have until you lose it, but I guess I never realized how convenient my life was until I came to this inconvenient world. I should’ve appreciated the things I had back home more.

“Alright, we need to retrieve the insignia,” Luna said, ready to go into the loot house with the white stone in his hand. “Let’s go.”

“Wait, wait, wait just a minute.” However, Subaru grabbed Luna’s arm and held him back. “Things aren’t that simple.”

“What?” Luna asked with a confused look on his face.

Subaru sighed. This is what I was talking about. He’s too honest with his approach. “What I’m trying to say is,” Subaru continued, “the people inside stole your insignia, right? Do you think they’ll hand it back to you peacefully if you walk in there, asking for it back?”

“Why not? If I take my time to explain, they might come to realize what they did was bad.”

“What an idealistic view.” Subaru paused before continuing. “And what if they refuse to give it back?”

“Then we’ll…” Luna started, then made a face of realization. “Ah, we’ll get into a kerfuffle?”

“What an adorable way of putting it,” Subaru replied, shrugging her shoulders. “You’re really pressing on my maternal instincts.”

I don’t know if it’s because of his pacifist nature, but his views are a bit too naive for a world where a gang of ladies try to rob you in a back alley. Subaru was sure the situation would get violent once Luna walked into the loot house. And not just a regular fight on the street. There’ll be blood for sure.

“So, I’ll go negotiate with them first,” Subaru suggested.

“Subaru, no!” Luna exclaimed. “You’re too weak.”

“I might be a girl, but being called weak pisses me off too! At least call me something cuter, like fragile!”

“You’re fragile!”

“You’re making my heart skip!”

I can tell that he’s really worried about me, considering how he rephrased his words. But I can’t back down now. I want to impress him. I want to impress him and get his stuff back.

“I may be fragile,” Subaru began, “but it’s because I’m fragile that I never resort to violence. I’m sure you could tell I’m a pretty darn good talker, right?”


“I’m gonna give it a shot, and if it doesn’t work out then I’ll come back and we can formulate a plan together,” Subaru added, as she put her hands together and winked. “Let me give it a try. I’ll at least try to see if they really have the insignia.” As Subaru pleaded, she looked up at Luna’s face, astounded that he looked beautiful even from that angle.

Luna said nothing for a while, then finally let out a groan. “Promise me you won’t do anything too reckless.”

Looks like he’s accepting my suggestion.

Luna handed Subaru the lagmite stone.

“Leave it to me,” Subaru said with a smile as she received the stone, which didn’t possess any heat despite the amount of light it was emitting. “I’m not gonna do anything that’ll make you more worried than you are right now. Why don’t you go home and have a bath ready for me, Luna,” she remarked as she started off for the loot house.

“Ah,” Luna let out in a husky voice.

“Hm?” Subaru stopped in his tracks at Luna’s voice.

Luna was staring at Subaru, then his eyes started wandering. “Sorry. I’ll make sure to apologize for that once you come back.”

“I don’t know what you want to apologize for, but stop making such a face. You look like a lost puppy. You’re tickling my maternal instincts.”

“Stop being such an idiot.”

What a cute way to scold me. Subaru started towards the loot house again. She held the handle on the door and slowly opened it, making a creaking sound. Can’t say it’s safe to keep the door unlocked. I suppose it makes sense if the owner is here. But if the owner really is here, then why is it— “So dark?” Subaru muttered the last part of her thought aloud.

Using the lagmite stone, she looked around the pitch black loot house. The first thing she saw was a giant bar counter. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the overall decor of the store was that of a bar.

Maybe this place used to be a bar. However, it was apparent the store was no longer in operation. Instead, there were miscellaneous goods stacked on top of each other all over the place.

They must all be stolen items. Each of the goods had a wooden plate hanging on them, which Subaru assumed were prices. It looks like they have numbers written on them. Maybe it’s my chance to learn some letters used in this world.

With such thoughts in her mind, Subaru began searching around to see if the insignia Luna was looking for was there. “Huh?” she let out, feeling as if she had stepped in a puddle. Noticing that her sneakers were wet with some kind of thick liquid, her mouth instantly went dry. She started following the trail of liquid with her light, and there it was. The decapitated corpse of a giant old lady with a missing arm.

Subaru screamed. Facing the brutal reality of death, the smell of iron began tickling her nose. Or rather, she had finally recognized it. The eerie atmosphere had made her subconsciously ignore it, but now she couldn’t escape it once she faced the undeniable reality of the corpse. A bad feeling suddenly enveloped her. I-I have to run away. I have to run away right now and get to Luna.

However, before Subaru could move, a man spoke to her. “Ah, so you saw it. That’s too bad. I suppose I have no choice, then.”

The man’s voice was deep and had an indifferent tone to it. But at the same time, he also sounded amused.

Before Subaru could turn around to see who was speaking, something hit her from the direction the voice was coming from at a great impact, causing her to crash into a wall.

Subaru groaned at the impact. She fell on the floor with her limbs spread out. The lagmite stone left her hand, lighting up an obscure part of the room. Still disoriented, she suddenly felt heat on her stomach.

“Gahh, it’s hot!” Subaru groaned.

The heat spread over her body. She instinctively figured this heat would kill her if she didn’t do something about it. However, she couldn’t move even though she tried.

It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot.

She tried screaming but she was only able to cough up blood. Streams of blood overflowed in her mouth.

Why am I on the verge of drowning to death while feeling intense heat when I’m on land?

That’s when Subaru realized she was lying in a pool of blood.

Oh, this is all my blood. I gotta say it’s my first time drowning in my own blood. I guess most people who have only experienced it once right before they die. And unfortunately, I’m about to follow the same path as those people.

As soon as she began imagining her demise, she started to lose consciousness. The agonizing heat, and the suffocating feeling of drowning, all started to fade. Her consciousness was slipping out of her body, and was about to get taken away somewhere far away into the distance.

Maybe I could be released from all my worries if I don’t fight this anymore.


A bell-like voice salvaged Natsuki Subaru’s soul that was sinking to oblivion.

It must be a hallucination. I can’t see, hear, or feel anything. Why would I so conveniently be able to hear his voice? Please let it be a mistake. Please don’t come into the building, Luna. One stupid visitor from another world dying is enough.

As Subaru prayed, a scream echoed in the room, and another person joined her in the pool of blood. The new body collapsed next to Subaru, where her arm was spread out. The pale-white hand of the newcomer overlapped with her blood-stained hand. Though it was all just a coincidence, the hand that was on top of Subaru’s twitched a little as if it was trying to hold her tight.

“...for me,” Subaru squeezed out, refusing to completely lose consciousness, attempting to buy some time. However, she had already lost all her senses. She couldn’t even feel the pain of the heat anymore. There was no point in saying what she was going to say. But, I don’t care. I gotta make this promise.

“I will definitely—”

Save you.

In the next moment, Natsuki Subaru died.


“So what’s it going to be, missy?” an intimidating woman with thick eyebrows asked. “What are you spacing out about?”

“Huh?” Subaru said, confused. She batted her eyes several times and took a deep breath, and repeated, “Huh?”

“Stop saying that!” the intimidating woman yelled. “You’re the one who started talking to me. So are you gonna buy an abble or what?” the woman asked, as she shoved a round red fruit in front of Subaru’s face.

“A-Abble?” Subaru repeated. It’s just an apple. No, but since she’s calling it an abble, maybe it’s something completely different. Either way I can’t buy anything right now since…

“I’m broke,” Subaru said.

The intimidating woman paused. “I see, so you’re just screwing with me. In that case…”

“In that case?”

“Get outta here! You’re bad for business!” the woman yelled at the top of her lungs.

Subaru scuttled out there as fast as possible. After making her escape, she stopped and looked around. The sun was beaming on top of her head.

“What’s going on?” she asked herself, tilting her head.


“Take that!” Subaru exclaimed, as she stomped on top of the foot of the woman with sanpaku eyes. “Bet you couldn’t strengthen this part of your body!”

The sanpaku-eyed woman screeched and fell to the ground. Subaru quickly picked up the knife she dropped and faced the other two. I’m gonna call them the Anpontan trio for now.

Subaru glared at the remaining An and Tan, who had been unable to react to her movements. Seeing Pon get taken out like that made them too scared to retaliate.

Then I’ll just use that fear to my advantage.

“Just so you know, I love the sight of blood,” Subaru said as she started licking the knife. “So, which one of you will quench the dry pavement with your blood first? Hehehehe.”

“S-She’s licking the knife!” screamed An.

“She’s crazy! She’s out of her mind! We need to run away,” exclaimed Tan.

They grabbed Pon and hurriedly ran out of the back alley. Watching them run away while licking the knife, Subaru let out a sigh. “T-That should do it… What the hell was that? Were they trying to get payback for earlier? They seemed way too oblivious if so.”

Subaru was surprised at how the same three women—Anpontan—from a few hours ago picked a fight with her again. However, this time, she was able to defend herself. Although it’s a good thing that I simulated a battle plan for when I get challenged again, I didn’t expect it to be used against the same exact opponents.

Subaru spat on the ground. “This is unsanitary,” she said about the knife she had taken from Pon’s waist, “but I guess I should keep this.”

It seems unsafe to walk around with it without a sheath, but at least it’s easy to carry. And most importantly, it’s good to have a weapon. Now, I have to hurry.

“Luna is in danger!”

I was knocked out in the loot house. I don’t know why I’m back here. Maybe a random healer saved me. I don’t know. I don’t know, but I’ll think about that later. What I have to do right now is to go back to the loot house. That’s it. I have to save Luna, the handsome young man who’s too honest to a fault. I can’t let him die.

“Hurry up, Natsuki Subaru! It’s time to show a little guts!” she said to herself as she began running to the loot house.


“It might sound crazy, but have you died recently, Granny?” Subaru asked the old lady standing behind the bar counter.

The old lady laughed at Subaru. “What are you saying? Sure, I may look like I’m about to die, but I most certainly have never experienced it yet. Could happen anytime soon though, considering my age.”

The old lady took a gulp from her glass behind the bar as Subaru frowned and watched her. The old lady was the owner of the loot house. She had greeted Subaru when she burst into the store. Her name was Old Woman Rom.

She was over two meters tall, and wore clothing made from different fabrics. Despite having just met her, Subaru could tell she was a nice old lady. She didn’t make a single complaint even when Subaru asked rather rude questions. However, talking to her only made Subaru confused.

The last time wasn’t she… “Dead?” Subaru muttered to herself.

Subaru remembered Old Woman Rom’s dead body with her neck gouged and her arm missing.

I was attacked right after finding her dead. But then why are we both alive and well right now? Was I hallucinating Old Woman Rom’s death? But I’ve never even met her before. How could I hallucinate about someone I’ve never met? And what about my memory of looking for the loot house with Luna?

“What’s even real and why am I even here?” Subaru sighed. Being summoned to another world was confusing enough for her. She felt like her head was about to explode as it was, but this new development furthered her confusion.

What in the world am I even doing all this for?

“No, I’m an idiot,” she said to herself after spiraling in self doubt. “I must be a real idiot.” I may not know how I ended up in another world, but I know why I’m here in the loot house. It’s to repay my gratitude to Luna. Even if everything was just a dream, Luna definitely exists somewhere. And even if he doesn’t remember who I am, the fact that I owe him doesn’t change.

Subaru strengthened her determination to uplift her spirit. And right as she found her new resolve, another voice hit her ears, causing her to lift her head up.

“Huh? Who’s this lady? Hey, Old Woman Rom, you better not have sold me out.”

The one talking was a boy with a cheeky attitude—Forte.

As Old Woman Rom intervened between them, Subaru searched her breast pocket for the item she believed could be used as a bargaining chip. An item she brought from her old world and a product of its technology—her cellphone.

“Now, now, calm down,” Subaru said. “Why not have a chat with me, young man? It’s an interesting offer, I promise. It wouldn’t hurt to listen.”


“I see, so you’re one of them.”

With Subaru’s careless words, the situation quickly turned bloody.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Subaru was knocked to the floor, unable to utter a word, her eyes wide open.

“God dammit!” Forte exclaimed.

He was next to Subaru with his knees on the floor, biting his lips in vexation. He looked angry at himself for being powerless. Subaru understood his feelings.

“Let me return this to you. I don’t need it anymore,” a tall figure said as he placed a glass on the loot house floor. It had once contained milk, but was now empty with drops of blood lining its broken rim. The blood belonged to Old Woman Rom, whose neck had been slit just a few moments prior.

The tall figure was a man with braided hair who called himself Eins. After placing the glass on the floor, he started twirling his knife with his other hand. It was a kukri knife, a machete with a curved blade. As he twirled it, he turned around to face Subaru and Forte.

He had long slanted eyes and a faint smile on his face that made him seem like he was enjoying the smell of blood residue. His skin was pale-white and he had a handsome face, but the black clothes stained with blood gave off a dangerous vibe. Behind him was Old Woman Rom’s giant body lying on the floor.

Subaru’s negotiation with Forte over Luna’s insignia had been interrupted by Eins, who had commissioned Forte to steal it. And now, the situation unexpectedly turned bloody.

Or perhaps, Eins planned this all along.

“I’m never gonna forgive ya,” Forte declared.

“Hm, I don’t recommend fighting back. It’ll just hurt more.”

“You’ll hurt me either way, won’t ya? You crazy bastard!”

“I mean, you’ll only make it difficult for me to kill you painlessly,” Eins said, slowly shaking his head. “I’m rather clumsy when it comes to handling my knives. My brother constantly points it out.”

He twirled the knife in his hand like a performer. The way he handled the knife freely represented the imminent death that was soon to follow.

“Sorry for draggin’ you into this,” said Forte.

“I-I…” Subaru tried to respond while still sitting on the floor, unable to get up.

Without giving her a chance to stop him, Forte started dashing around. He quite literally became the wind, causing Subaru to lose sight of him, and moved about the store at an immense speed.

Forte kicked the floor and picked up the glass that had been used to kill Old Woman Rom. He then bounced off the wall and rushed towards Eins.

“The Divine Protection of Wind, how beautiful,” Eins commented somewhat ecstatically. “It would seem the world loves you. How envious,” he said as he swung his knife.

Forte, who attempted to attack Eins from behind, was struck down by the knife, slicing his shoulder open. He fell backwards as his blood splattered all over the place, landing on top of Old Woman Rom’s body. As if fate was playing a cruel joke, the two dead bodies looked like good friends hugging each other.

“You’re not taking any action, I see,” Eins said as he closed in on Subaru, who couldn’t even utter a word and only watched Forte’s attempt to take him down.

Subaru let out a small squeal.

Eins was covered in the blood of his two victims. He wiped drops of it on his pale cheek off with the back of his hand. Being stared down by his dark eyes, Subaru had to remind herself to breathe. And, as if being pushed by her irrepressible rage, she stood up.

“Finally, you’re up,” Eins said with a smile. “A bit slow and boring, but not bad.”

As soon as she saw him smile, Subaru couldn’t hold back her anger and charged at him. However, her impulsive attack was easily countered.

“It’s no use,” Eins said, digging his knee into Subaru’s abdomen.

Subaru let out a groan. This is nothing like the kicks and punches I experienced in the back alley. This is real ‘power’.

Subaru felt her internal organs getting destroyed by Eins’s powerful kick. Vomiting the milk she drank earlier, she staggered back, clutching her stomach.

“It’s over,” Eins whispered. “Let me take you to where the angels are.”

After making such poetic remarks, Eins leaned forward. Alarms went off in Subaru’s head when she saw this. He’s coming for another attack, she thought, before moving without hesitation.

“Wha—” Eins exclaimed.

Subaru predicted that he was going to go for her stomach again, and moved accordingly. Her prediction was proven right. She dodged his attack precisely, causing him to miss her completely.

“U-Uwaaaahhhh,” Subaru screamed as she thrust the knife she took from Pon in the back alley at Eins’s chest. Whether she was going to kill him or not didn’t cross her mind. She was simply desperately trying to survive the imminent danger she was in. However, the knife never reached his chest.

“Ah, that was wonderful,” Eins praised, the knife stabbing through his left hand. He could’ve stopped Subaru by catching his wrist, but he chose to let her stab him, as though praising her efforts.

The sensation she felt in her hand of a knife penetrating another human’s flesh nearly made her scream in disgust, but before she could make a noise, Eins swung his knife, slicing through her body horizontally.


Subaru fell to the floor, spilling out all her organs.


“Wait, wait, Luna!” Subaru exclaimed. Falling victim to the unexplained phenomenon again, Subaru was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. She was moments away from giving up on everything and collapsing on the spot, but instead she desperately chased after the silver-haired young man she spotted on the street. Hearing her call out his name, the young man in the white robe stopped.

Good, I wasn’t mistaken. It’s actually him. Subaru was relieved to see that he was in fact the purpled-eyed young man she was hoping to reunite with. She felt like everything she went through was worth it the moment she saw his face. She couldn’t fathom what kind of grueling experience he had to go through after they split up at the loot house. She wanted to hear all about it, and she also wanted to share her miserable experiences with him as well.

I’m sure he’ll listen to what I have to say without judgment.

Subaru was about to cry. However, her expectations were destroyed by the young man’s next words.

“What’s your problem?”


“I don’t know who you are, but what the heck are you thinking calling me by the same name as the Warlock of Envy?!” the young man yelled, furrowing his well-formed brows in anger.

It was Subaru’s first time seeing him this angry. He didn’t even show this much anger to the three ladies in the back alley. She felt a chill run down her spine, and feared she may have done something she wasn’t supposed to.

Seeing her apparent fear, Luna heaved a deep sigh. “Will you answer my question? Why did you call me by such a name?”

“W-Why…?” Subaru said. “Because that’s what I was told to call you.”

“I don’t know who told you to call me that, but that’s not good taste. It’s quite insulting to call someone by the same name as the Warlock of Envy, an embodiment of curses, whose name is even taboo to say.” The young man glared at Subaru without any attempt to hide his disdain. She was utterly confused as to what he was angry about. However, she realized that other pedestrians who were listening in on them were glaring at her, which she concluded was a sign that she was on the wrong side of the argument.

At this time and place, in this world, it looks like I’m the bad guy. But why? What did I do to deserve this?

“Did you really not have any ill intentions?” the young man asked, seeing Subaru look absolutely defeated.


“Look at you. Uhh… I may have been a little too harsh.”

His words reflected his kind nature. Subaru was confused, nonetheless, by how he was acting. His words resembled that of a person who’s never met her before. He’s acting like all the things that happened, from helping me to everything after that, never even happened.

As she tried to organize her thoughts, the situation kept developing.

A small figure suddenly jumped in the middle of a crowd, crept up behind the young man, and swiftly snatched something from his pocket.

The young man was stunned at the sudden event, as was Subaru who yelled, “What the?!”

The young man quickly checked his breast pocket, where the small figure snatched something from, and turned blue. And so did Subaru.

“Forte?!” she screamed.

The small figure was none other than Forte, who Subaru witnessed get murdered by Eins at the loot house. He was now making his escape down the main street.

“I’ve been had!” the young man exclaimed. “Was this what the distraction was for...? Are you working with him?!”

“N-No! I’m…”

Due to calling out Forte’s name, Subaru was suspected of having a hand in the robbery. The young man hesitated on whether he should apprehend her on the spot, but he decided to chase after Forte to retrieve his stuff.

“Please! That’s important!” the young man screamed as he ran after Forte.

Subaru chased the young man as well. “Wait, Wait! Why! Why is this happening?! Will someone please be nice to me! If not, what’s the point of even being summoned to another world?!” Unable to contain her emotions towards the absurdity of this new world, Subaru’s sorrow changed into anger and spilled out of her in the form of a scream. Her cry went unanswered, however. Neither a God who accidentally summoned her, nor a beautiful young girl who invited her to save the world, existed anywhere.

“Shit! I lost them!” Subaru muttered as she entered the back alley the two ran into, which was a dead end. They must’ve gone over this wall. It must’ve been easy with Forte’s physical abilities and Luna’s ice magic.

However, Subaru, who couldn’t imitate either of those abilities, had no way of getting over it.

“Where did they… The loot house?” Subaru concluded that if everything was going to end up at the loot house, she might as well head there too. But, considering all the tragedy she had experienced there, she was extremely hesitant to go there again. But what else can I do, then?

“Fine! I’ll go! I’ll go, dammit!” Subaru screamed, smacking a nearby wall.

She turned around to get out of the back alley and head to the loot house. But, what she saw after turning around caused her to stop and heave a long sigh of despair. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

The three ladies were standing at the entrance of the back alley, preventing Subaru from going any further.


“Return by Death, huh?” Subaru muttered to herself. “An ability that gets activated when I’m defeated sounds perfect for a loser like me.”

Subaru discovered what her power was after having died three times. The wounds on her stomach where she had been sliced twice were gone, as was the wound that should have left a scar on her back where she was stabbed earlier.

I’m glad they’re all gone. I am a girl after all. I don’t want any ugly scars left on my body. “Although I still have the scar from when I fell and stabbed myself on the head with a chopstick as a kid. Jeez, I’m still not even married yet. How are you gonna take responsibility, you stupid chopstick.”

I guess I’m asking too much from a wooden chopstick. Lemme forget about this for now. It’s got nothing to do with anything. “Could I say my power is one that reverses time…? Time manipulation sounds like an OP ability if this were fiction, but what’s this about not being able to use it unless I die? So useless…”

Subaru had experimented to see if there were other ways to activate this ability, such as chanting magical-like terms, but nothing worked. The only method seemed to be by dying. “I knew I was a persistent one, but never would’ve guessed it was this much.” There’s an old saying that goes: idiots never learn till they die. But it’s a bit overkill that I can’t even die. Actually, I technically do die. I guess there isn’t even a proverb for me anymore.

“But I still have my cell phone and corn soup,” she said. Her cell phone, which she thought she had lost, was in her pocket, and in her hand was a plastic bag with a can of corn soup that was supposed to have been drunk by Old Woman Rom. “And I know these can be sold at a high price… This knowledge will come in handy, I guess?” People in this world will go crazy for this stuff. I’ll sell them to gather war funds to prepare for my upcoming challenge. That’s the most efficient option for me right now as a person who has no one else to rely on.

“But I can’t help but imagine that Old Woman Rom would’ve been killed even without my meddling.” It’s highly likely Forte provoked Eins by being too greedy when they negotiated for the price of the stolen insignia. In which case, Forte’s corpse might’ve been at the loot house too when I first found Old Woman Rom’s body. If I choose not to do anything out of fear, they’ll end up getting killed again. That… “Leaves a bad aftertaste… Man, when did I become such a saint of a person?” I thought I was a more selfish person who didn’t care about other people, and that’s why I was okay with not going to school anymore.

After deprecating herself several times in her head, Subaru slowly stood up. She was ready. I’m going back to the loot house to prevent the assault. I’ll save Old Woman Rom and Forte’s life, and use that as a bargaining chip to retrieve the insignia. Then, I’m gonna return it to Luna… I mean, that young man.

“So Luna was a fake name, huh? I guess that makes sense. Why would anyone give their real name to a person like me who’s obviously suspicious in so many ways? But even so…” I want to know his name. His real one. Even if the timeline doesn’t exist anymore, the fact that he saved my life hasn’t changed. And if I end up in the same situation, he would definitely save me every time. “I’m gonna do my best so he’ll tell me his real name this time.”


“Someooone! Help meee!” Subaru’s voice ripped through the back alley, causing the three assailants to get anxious.

“W-Who just screams outta nowhere?! This bitch!” one of the women yelled.

It was Subaru’s fourth time encountering them. The three women were the ones who killed her last time, albeit the whole situation seemed like an accident. However, she wasn’t going to take any chances as there was no guarantee that she’d be able to escape as well as she did two deaths ago. And relying on public help is more than a viable option. If someone helps me, great. If this is a cold-hearted world where nobody helps a stranger, then I’ll just kick Pon in the leg and grab her knife…

“Stop right there.” A voice, not exactly loud but a resonating one, traveled through the back alley, making Subaru feel as though a wave of heat just passed by.

Subaru and the three assailants were petrified. The person responsible for the voice was standing at the entrance to the back alley. She was a woman with long, fiery red hair and sky-blue eyes emanating a strong will, as if to say they won’t ignore any wrongdoings in the world. She had long arms and legs and a tall stature, and wore white clothes. Her beauty was so beyond imagination that it would be impossible for even an artist to replicate it on a canvas. Such a woman began approaching the four women in the back alley.

“No matter what the reason may have been for the situation to escalate to this point,” the woman began, “I won’t allow you three to harass her any further.”

Even though her words were that of a warning against the three assailants to protect Subaru, her voice made it sound as though she was singing a comforting love song. It’s like her whole purpose of existing is to guard and love and protect everything in the world. Her immense presence makes me wanna continue hearing her voice for as long as I can if time allows me…

“Y-You’re…” one of the Anpontan said.

The three assailants had visibly turned blue, their lips trembling at the sight of the woman. They looked up and down at her and gulped.

“Fiery red hair, blue eyes…a knight’s uniform and a knight’s sword with the mark of a dragon claw,” one of the three assailants pointed out.

“She’s the Female Knight among Female Knights!” exclaimed another.

“A-Adelheid… The Sword Saint Adelheid?!” the last one cried.

“Seems like I don’t need to introduce myself,” the woman with the fiery red hair said. “Although, I believe that title is a bit too much for me,” she added with a wink.

However, she quickly stiffened her expression, intimidating the three assailants with her stern gaze. They gulped as cold sweat began to appear on their faces.

“I’ll let you leave if you don’t want further trouble,” she began. “However, if you want to continue, I will be your opponent. You may outnumber me three to one, but I won’t back down as a knight.”

“A-As if! There’s no way in hell it’s worth fighting you!”

The three women scuttled out of the back alley, fearing Adelheid. As she watched them leave, she let out a short sigh then faced Subaru with a softer expression.

“We’re both safe now. Are you hurt?”

“You’re such a valiant woman…” Subaru praised, putting her hands together in amazement.

“Hm?” The woman tilted her head, confused.


Subaru was back at the store that was also the loot house. She wanted to buy the insignia off of Forte before Eins got involved. He was a dangerous man, and since she couldn’t figure out a way to defeat him, she wanted to avoid him at all costs. Consequently, their negotiation was going smoothly. She was able to play on Forte’s greedy side, and with Old Woman Rom’s help, everything seemed like it was going well, but then someone showed up at the door.

“Don’t open the door, Forte!” Subaru yelled. “He’ll kill you!”

However, the person who walked through the entrance was someone Subaru wasn’t expecting.

“I would never do something so horrifying out of the blue…” the person who walked in said.

He was the young man with silver hair, and the rightful owner of the insignia.

“Eh?” Subaru let out, surprised to see the familiar face.

Wait, he was able to locate this store this quickly without my help?!

Subaru couldn’t help but realize how much she was holding the young man back when they were searching for the insignia together. However, the situation unfolded despite her shock.

“Young man, you’re an elf, aren’t you?” Old Woman Rom pointed out.

“Technically, no,” the silver-haired man answered. “I’m only a half-elf.”

“Half-elf? A silver-haired half-elf? C-Could it be that you are…?!”

“No! That has nothing to do with me! I hate being mistaken like that…”

Subaru listened to them talk from the sidelines, not knowing what was going on.

I can’t tell what they’re talking about, but I have a feeling it’s related to him not wanting to be called Luna. But that’s something I can worry about later. Right now, we don’t have time. “Guys, let’s calm down for a second. Firstly, Forte, why don’t you just return the insignia you stole from him? And you,” Subaru said, turning his attention to the half-elf. “Just take the insignia and leave, and be careful not to get it stolen again, alright? This is friendly advice from someone with more experience.”

The young man looked confused. “Why are you being so friendly to me? Also, why do I have to receive advice from you when I’m pretty sure I’m older than you.”

“I don’t like it one bit either,” Forte interjected sullenly. “Miss, who the hell are ya anyways? I thought you wanted this insignia too.”

“I just wanted to return it to the rightful owner,” Subaru explained.

The young man looked dumbfounded by Subaru’s response. “Return it to me?”

I guess it’s hard to believe such words coming from a total stranger, huh? Let’s see. What can I say to convince him…

Right as Subaru began thinking of a way to explain her position to the young man, she saw a dark shadow creep up behind him.

“Tink, protect him!” Subaru yelled instinctively, as a blade closed in on the young man’s nape, reflecting light off of it.

Before the blade could reach its target, however, a shield made of ice appeared in between, protecting the young man.

The sound of a blade hitting a block of ice resonated in the room, as the young man leaped forward to create distance between himself and the sudden attacker.

“Tink…!” the young man called out the name of the spirit who just saved him from imminent death.

“Well, well, talk about perfect timing. Seems like I just made it in time,” Tink commented, rubbing her face with her paws, before turning around to face Subaru. “My, that really was just in the nick of time. Thanks to you, I was able to save my son.”

“I’m glad too. I was worried that your time was up for today,” Subaru responded, giving the spirit a thumbs up. There was a moment of acknowledgement between the two.

The assailant, Eins, backed away from the group upon having his attack deterred. Still calm and collected, he stood ominously while waving his kukri knife around and glanced at the people in the store. “A spirit, how wonderful,” he said, evidently excited by his bloodlust. “I’ve never disemboweled a spirit before.”

“Hey, what the hell is goin’ on?!” yelled Forte, not knowing why the person who asked him to steal the insignia was suddenly attacking them.

However, Eins paid no heed to Forte’s confusion. He simply gave him a cold, apathetic look.

“Ah,” Forte let out, shuddering at Eins’s stare.

“Unfortunately for you, it seems like you have mistaken my request,” Eins said. “I only asked for the insignia. I never asked you to bring the owner along. Now, I have no choice but to kill you all.”

“T-That’s insane,” Forte retorted.

“Maybe so, but you’re the one who failed to properly carry out the task I asked. I’m simply replacing a useless tool. Is there something wrong with that?”

Forte made a pained expression at Eins’s cold words.

It’s true, Forte made a foolish mistake. And his foolishness could’ve cost him his life if I hadn’t been here. “Hey, you damn sadist! Don’t you feel ashamed to be trash-talking such a little boy, acting as though you’ve won?! As your mother, I feel so disappointed!”

Eins looked confused. “You’re not my mother.”

“It’s a figure of speech! Also, I’m so mad right now, the things I’m saying might not make any sense! Sorry about that in advance! But the truth is, I was just stalling by saying random nonsense! So, those of you who’re tuned in, don’t change the channel just yet! We’ll be right back!”

Eins furrowed his brow, unable to comprehend Subaru’s odd speech. Subaru, on the other hand, started to get embarrassed seeing Eins’s confused look.

Maybe there was a more lady-like way to stall.

Subaru then clapped loudly. “That’s it from me! Tink, take it away!”

“That was absolutely pathetic,” Tink responded, smiling. “Leave the rest to me. I won’t let your patheticness go to waste.”

Eins popped his head up, realizing he was surrounded by countless icicles with nowhere to run. Before he could do anything, the icicles darted toward him.

“Forgot to introduce myself to you, didn’t I, good sir? I’m Tink. At least remember my name before you die.”

With that, an explosive noise erupted throughout the loot house as white smoke filled the room.


“Eins Granhiert, the Bowel Hunter.”

“...Adelheid van Astrea of the family of Sword Saints.”

As the two fighters introduced each other without anyone prompting them, their battle auras enveloped the area, followed by a flash of white light as their blades collided.

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The flash of white light appeared every time they swung their weapons, making it look as though they were splitting the loot house, air, and even the sky. Their swings caused a blast wave, but by the time there was an explosion they were already on their next move. The perpetual attacks were too strong for the loot house to endure, eventually bursting it into pieces from the inside as though a tornado had passed by.

The explosion caused everything in the loot house to get blown away, including the people in it. Subaru prevented herself from flying away by grabbing onto Old Woman Rom’s giant body, who was lying on the floor, while holding on to the silver-haired young man in her other arm.

Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight, hold tight, hold tight! “Ngyaaahhh!!!”

Subaru held as tight as she could while making an unlady-like face, screaming in an unlady-like way. Moments later, after it was all over, she loosened her grip and lifted up her head. There was nothing but a clear night sky, brightly lit with stars before her.

“T-The building is gone…” she muttered, still sitting on the ground.

“Good, you’re safe,” Adelheid said, turning her head around to face Subaru, showing an affectionate smile. In her hand was a sword that had just been pushed beyond its limits, slowly turning into ashes.

It was able to fulfill its role as a sword at a level that would have otherwise been impossible if not for Adelheid’s superhuman power. I wonder if the sword was happy about that, though. “You said hunting monsters is your specialty, but it seems like you’re the most dangerous monster!”

“Being called that hurts my feelings, you know?” Adelheid smiled bitterly, watching the ashes that were once a sword fly away from her hand.

Subaru regretted her words after sensing Adelheid’s melancholic emotions through her profile. Although she only meant it as a joke, she worried if she had been too crass. However, before she could apologize, a person spoke to her.

“Is it over?”

It was the silver-haired young man. He looked exhausted from healing Old Woman Rom after Tink had left. Subaru also suspected his exhaustion was somehow linked to the fight between Adelheid and Eins. She went to his side to support him and asked, “A-Are you okay? Can you stand?”


Subaru held on to his arm that was lean but not particularly muscular, staring at his face.

“What is it?” the young man asked, noticing Subaru was staring. “It’s reeeally rude to stare at someone like that.”

“No, I’m just making sure your head is still attached to your body, and your limbs are still there.”

“Of course they are. What a scary thing to say,” he said, confirming his limbs were still there.

Subaru let out a sigh of relief. Finally, I’m here. I finally saved him. “By the way, I haven’t said thanks to you yet, Adelheid. You really helped me out. It’s the second time you saved me, counting the time at the back alley. Did you hear me scream?”

“Of course, since I am a valiant woman as you once called me… Just kidding. It was actually him,” she said, gesturing at the person standing by the wreckage of what used to be the entrance to the loot house.

“Hm?” Subaru looked at the person. It was Forte, who she had helped escape with all her might during their fight with Eins. It was he who had called Adelheid for help.

“I see, so everything is connected,” Subaru muttered as she sighed.

“That boy is…” the silver haired young man said, noticing Forte as well.

Worrying they might get confrontational over the insignia again, Subaru hastily got in between them.

“Wait, wait! We were saved because he called Adelheid for help. So I get that you’re mad at him, but please don’t rip him apart! I’m begging you!”

“I wouldn’t do such a thing! Just who do you think I am?! And why are you the one begging…?”

“Uhh, well that’s because…” Subaru muttered.

“I mean, who exactly are you anyways?” the young man asked, making a confused face. “One moment you were with the ones who stole my insignia, then the next you’re helping me. I can’t understand you.”

Subaru was unsure of what to say. It’s true, I was planning on buying the insignia off of Forte then returning it to him, but I never thought about what I’ll do afterwards.

Lost in thought, Subaru was oblivious to her surroundings, making Adelheid call out her name. “Subaru!”

Subaru snapped out of her thoughts as a figure jumped out of the rubble of the wrecked loot house, launching itself towards the silver-haired young man. It was Eins. Despite his body being covered in wounds, his eyes were still emanating killing intent.

“Watch out!” Subaru yelled.

The young man couldn’t react to the sudden event. Adelheid was also too far away to make it in time. Subaru was the only one who could save the young man.

All Eins had was a bent up knife. He was using this last opportunity to leave lasting damage. Adelheid can’t make it in time. But if I can just stall Eins for a split second, then she can come and save us. Everything was happening so fast that the young man couldn’t even turn around to see the emerging threat. Where is he aiming? I have to protect him. I will protect him. I will definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely protect him! “You’re going for the stomaaach!!”

Subaru kicked up Old Woman Rom’s club, covered her stomach with it, and leaped towards Eins just as he swung his knife at the young man. Subaru was knocked away, taking Eins’s attack head on. Her eyes started spinning, feeling as though she was hit by a moving car. She ended up slamming into a wall and getting buried underneath the falling rubble.

“You dare get in my way again?!” Eins spat, biting his lips since Subaru had prevented his attack again.

“It’s over, Eins!” Adelheid yelled, arriving at the scene before he could pursue the young man any further.

Eins threw the bent knife at her, pausing her advance, and jumped away. Even though the knife didn’t go anywhere near her, it created enough of a threat to give him a moment to distance himself. He landed on top of the roof of the wrecked loot house and looked down at his prey with the moon in the background. “I will disembowel every single one of you one day. You take good care of your stomachs until that day comes.”

Leaving such an ominous comment, Eins used what was left of his power and fled into the dark night of the slums. Adelheid didn’t pursue him. Not only would it be difficult to do so, she figured it would be too dangerous to leave the rest alone. She turned around to the young man and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Don’t mind me!” he yelled, ignoring Adelheid’s worry, and started running towards the mountain of rubble that Subaru was still buried in after getting knocked away by Eins. “What was she thinking being so reckless?!” He quickly began removing the debris and excavated her. “Are you okay? Are you alive?”

Subaru groaned. “Y-Yeah. See? I managed to stop his attack. Besides, who else was supposed to protect you at that moment. Although, my head is spinning.”

“Your head is… Adelheid!” the young man called.

“Seems like she hit her head hard,” she responded. “We must quickly take her to the hospital.”

“W-Wait, wait, stop, stop!” Subaru exclaimed at the two worrying faces. “It’s not that big a deal. I’m fine!”

She stood up and started performing moves from radio calisthenics to show them that she was fine. The two stared at her movements as though they were witnessing a rare creature.

“I don’t know what that move is supposed to be,” the young man began, “but I’m glad you seem okay.”

“I agree,” Adelheid said. “Subaru, you really saved the day. I’m really sorry I let such a thing happen. If you hadn’t been there…”

“Stop that too!” Subaru yelled, stopping Adelheid from apologizing and praising her any further. “Stop that, Adelheid! You did more than enough. If you say anything more, I won’t be able to live with myself.”

She then turned her attention to the silver-haired young man. He looked confused by her intent look, but straightened his posture nonetheless. He was ready to listen to whatever Subaru had to say. Now that I think about it, I went through so much trouble to save him. Although I didn’t tell anyone about all the trouble I went through, it’s all in my memory.

She pointed at the sky and rested her other hand on her hip, showing her signature pose. “My name is Natsuki Subaru! There are tons of things I want to say and ask, but just one will do for now!”

“W-What is it?”

“I’m your savior who just saved your life from a madman, amirite?!”

“Am a what?”

“Means, are you on the same page?” Subaru explained, bending her body to make an OK sign.

“Y-Yeah.” The young man nodded hesitantly.

Subaru paid no heed to his hesitation and continued. “I am a lifesaver and an angel. And you, the prince, are the one who was just saved. Don’t you think I deserve a great reward from you? Right?!”

“Of course. If there’s anything I can do, just name it.”

“Great! Well, I only have one wish. Just one!” she said, pointing her finger at him insistently. She was somewhat worried if he was starting to get annoyed, but she couldn’t stop. “And that wish is…” She flashed a smile at the nervous looking young man.


Subaru snapped her fingers and smiled to show her shining teeth. “Please tell me your name.”

The young man’s eyes widened in disbelief. Silence enveloped the two of them. Subaru’s lips started hurting, trying to maintain her million dollar smile.

Did I blow it? Did I just make the greatest blunder of my life? Should I have remained in that mountain of rubble and stayed there for the rest of my life? She started panicking because of the young man’s silence.

Then, the young man started laughing, easing Subaru’s mental state. He laughed hysterically with his hand on his mouth, his silver hair shaking and his cheeks reddening. It wasn’t a laughter out of desperation or from depression. It was a laughter of pure joy. He was truly having fun.

“Emilio,” the young man said, pausing from laughing.

“Huh?” Subaru said in a way as if air just left her body.

Seeing her reaction, the young man straightened his posture again and pointed at himself. “My name is Emilio. Just Emilio. Thank you, Subaru.”


Emilio offered a handshake. “Thank you for saving me.”

Subaru gulped as she looked down at his pale white hand.

No, you’re the one who saved me first. All I did was repay my debt. But I finally made it after dying a total of three times. I went through so much pain, despair, and countless life threatening situations. Just so that I could learn his name. This is so… Subaru laughed joyfully. “This is so not worth it,” she said as she accepted Emilio’s hand.

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And how great would it have been if the story ended here.

“But Subaru, I’m really surprised you’re fine,” Adelheid interjected after Subaru and Emilio finished their formal introduction. She looked genuinely shocked that Subaru managed to survive Eins’s last attack. His swing was that deadly.

Well, I couldn’t have protected myself if I didn’t know where he was going to aim either.

“If you hadn’t used this club, you would’ve been sliced in two,” Adelheid commented, picking up the club Subaru used.

Subaru nodded. “Yeah, if it weren’t for that I wouldn’t have been able to…” avoid BAD END 4: Split in Two.

Before she could finish her sentence, however, the club broke in half in Adelheid’s hand.

“Ah,” Adelheid let out, with half of the club still in hand.

She then turned her blue eyes to look at Subaru’s stomach. Subaru also turned her attention to where she was staring at, lifting her jacket, feeling uneasy. She had a well trained abdomen, but it was all so bruised up that she wanted to turn away. However, that was when a horizontal red line surfaced on it.

“Oh, crap,” Subaru remarked. “I did not see this coming.”

As she looked up, blood burst from the horizontal line on her stomach.

“S-Subaru?!” Emilio screamed.

I can hear him screaming. Ahh, this sucks. Why do I have to die right when I got to learn his name? But even if I do, I’m sure I’ll come here again.

Subaru collapsed, turning her field of view sideways, unable to move a finger. She saw Adelheid’s panicking face and Emilio’s handsome face twisted in agony. It might be insensitive to think this right now, but man, he looks so good even when he’s distraught—wouldn’t expect anything less from a parallel world fantasy.

She started to lose consciousness from the pain and shock.

And so, the alternate story of Natsuki Subaru’s life in another world continues.